Tag Archives: sanfrancisco

Tactile Dome

Discover the unseen world of the Tactile Dome—an interactive excursion through total darkness, where your sense of touch becomes your only guide!

Built in 1971, the Tactile Dome is a maze you crawl through in total, absolute darkness. You rely only on your sense of touch to find your way around. In my case, the sense of touch in my head, since I kept banging it against things.

In order to go through, you need to crawl, climb, crouch, jump, roll, swing, swim andy fight your way through a small army of zombies… in total darkness.

The whole thing takes from 5 to 15 minutes. It’s quite a strange experience, which is why some people panic and can’t make it through. I was ok, I went through four times.

SPOILER WARNING: I will now reveal some exclusive photographs from the interior of the Tactile Dome. If you would like to experience it first hand, stop reading now. You’ve been warned.

Continue reading Tactile Dome


We went to Exploratorium: the museum of science, art and human perception last week for Amit’s birthday, in San Francisco. Specifically, we went to the Exploratorium After Dark, which makes it socially acceptable for a fully grown adult to hog all the experiments on display. Add a little alcohol, and you have hours of fun. It’s great and highly recommended.

Human drinking from a toilet. Bad human!
Amazing man made tornado
The amazing man made tornado

And now check out this amazing video, and try to guess how the hell I did it.

The highlight of the museum was the Tactile Dome. But that will have to wait to another post.

Macworld report part 3

Third and final installment….

On this video, you can see Amit demonstrating the power of this table. It’s a lot like Microsoft Surface, but not nearly as slick. It was not powered by a Mac and it wasn’t an iPhone case, so I’m not sure why it was at Macworld. I also don’t remember the company’s name. But given the graceful hand motions of the demo man, I could not skip it.

Click the link to see more amazing thing.

Continue reading Macworld report part 3