Official Panini FIFA World Cup South Africa 2010 sticker album
Corona brought me the new album and a box full of sticker packets. I have a lot of work ahead of me, but expect the progress report, just like before, soon. Friends and family (and strangers), start saving those repeats. It’s hard to find people collecting these things in Austin, TX.
This is the official song for the upcoming World Cup, titled “Waka Waka”. It’s not a joke, and it’s not performed by Fozzie Bear. It’s sung by Colombian hottie Shakira. On the video you can see Osvaldo Sánchez, Omar Bravo, David Beckham, and some other players that are not attending the World Cup. This is appropriate, because Colombia is not attending either.
The song didn’t quite do it for me. When I want to get into World Cup mood, this is what I listen to. And this. And this. And this. Wow, now I am in World Cup mood. I wonder if I can still find tickets…
Art City Austin is an event organized by Art Alliance Austin. I had heard of it but attended this year for the first time on April 24th. They close off about five blocks in Austin’s 2nd Street District downtown and 190 artists, many local, but most (all?) national set up a booth where they show off their goods. Lots of very good painting, some very impressive metal work, sculpture, glass, etc.
Read more for more details, photos, and the ever important description of the food available.
At this point I’m feeling the effects of two days of concerts plus longer than usual workdays. But I had to get back to Auditorium Shores to see a classic rock act.
Not only are they still alive and playing, but they currently have the Top Selling 8-track in the World! These guys were playing before I was born… I mean, I thought La Maldita Vecindad looked old but these people make them look like Hanna Montana. I only know a few of their songs yet it was a really good concert.
Cheap Trick at SXSW 2010Cheap Trick at SXSW 2010Cheap Trick at SXSW 2010
After two very tough acts to follow (Berry Sakharof in 2009 and HaDag Nachash in 2008), the annual Israel Block Party organized by Texas Hillel was held yesterday in UT. All in all it felt like it was less advertised, smaller, emptier, and with less energy than the previous years. Even the usual pro-Palestinian protestors didn’t show up! (or perhaps they left early).
They had a pretty good DJ playing but I don’t know who he is or where they got him from. I did not try the falafel but I did get some free tea, pumpkin seeds, and an army dog tag that does not have my name on it, so I won’t wear it to battle. Did you go?
Scary post from futbol y más regarding the history of World Cups and the host nation. As you know, the opening match of the FIFA World Cup is Mexico vs. host South Africa. As the table below shows, the host nation has never lost their first match, and they have always qualified to the second round. If this holds true for the 2010 edition, this means that Mexico will not win their first game and since only two of four teams qualify, they’d be fighting for that other spot against France and Uruguay.
For the first time, The MKX® has sent a correspondent to the huge Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Roaming the show floor right as this is published, we have gadget connoisseur Pepe Correa. He has sent us some fantastic images.
First, one of the coolest things that is all the rage for 2010: 3D. As you know, every major TV manufacturer is releasing some sort of 3D TV this year. Below, you can check out Motorola’s 3D glasses, which will work with some of these TVs:
Last night we held the celebrations for the 7th Anniversary of The MKX® (first post).
How things have changed since then: Barack Obama hadn’t been born. Arnold Schwarzenegger was still in good shape. Michael Jackson was already white. Monterrey had only one championship under its belt. Global warming was well underway but did not scare anyone yet. I’m glad to report that the world has changed and out 706 posts have been the ones driving these changes.
Think about it: Kids that weren’t even born back when we started blogging are now old enough to read this junk and have their little malleable brains rot. For their sake we hope their parents have the good sense of not letting them read The MKX®. To everyone else (that’s you): Thanks for reading!
Photos from the party will be posted soon. Oh, and happy 2010.