Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty good.
Stuff that happens around Austin… after dark.
Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty good.
Have you read about the Impossible Burger?
I have, and I was terribly curious about it: a California company using high-tech to create a vegetarian burger that looks, feels, and tastes like the real thing. Sound familiar? Yes, because we covered in 2015 we talked about the Beast Burger. This is different. They somehow made plants produce tons of heme which is abundant in meat and allegedly is what gives the hamburger it’s taste.
The only problem is that the list of places that carry it is very short. Recently, popular local burger joint Hopdoddy was added to that list.
When my grandmother and aunt came to Austin for an unrelated event, I took them to try it (they only eat kosher meat, and this is meatless).
But they were sold out.
Not one to be easily discouraged, I tried again by myself. This time they had it. This is what it looks like:
Visually, it’s striking. It looks like a real hamburger. They make it red and stringy like a real hamburger. According to them, the secret is adding plant-mad heme which is abundant in blood thus meat – except this heme is somehow produced from plants.
Taste-wise: it’s pretty good. You can tell it’s not a real hamburger, but when mixed together with the bun / cheese / lettuce / tomato / etc. then it doesn’t really matter that much.
Shlomit took me last week to see Chris Rock at the Bass Concert Hall. I expected the show to be very good, but it exceeded my expectations.
I find it interesting to see how the topics of his jokes have changed as he (unlike me) has aged. Lots of stuff about raising kids, divorce. He spent a good twenty minutes on jokes about… mortgages! Less than what’s considered average nowadays about politics, a good thing.
You will see zero photos about the show because they had the most extreme no-phone policy I’ve ever seen, forcing everyone at the entrance of the theater to put phones and smart watches in an opaque pouch that you can only open with a magnet, no unlike the security tags on clothing at stores.
This year my SXSW participation was scaled back to just a couple of acts last night. It was the Trinidad & Tobago showcase. The two singers: Isasha, who played for about 10 minutes due to technical issues, and Destra García who put up a good show.
Hopefully I’ll be more active next year.
It’s been years since The Ugly Nun was last seen. Many were hopeful that was the end of it. They will be disappointed. Tonight there was a confirmed Ugly Nun sighting, and it gets worse: in spite of being celibate, she appears to have procreated.
Oh, the humanity!
Disclaimer: the smaller Ugly Nun is actually a paid actor, his name is Ilan Kirsch. The larger one, nobody’s sure what that is.
I’ve posted some photos from last Saturday’s gathering organized by Rebecca and Eli at Icenhauer’s celebrating the fact that I’m leaving town. I hear the real party is happening this coming weekend. I fully Rebeccammend you check them out in The MKX@ Photo Central.
Thanks to everyone who showed up. And those who didn’t… congratulations on becoming members of my black list.
I attended the Momentum dinner a week ago. Hosted by Ken Herman, columnist for the Austin-American Statesman and with featured speaker Dan Senor, co-author of Start-up Nation: The History of Israel’s Economic Miracle. Oh, and kosher BBQ by Kogan.
Mr. Senor’s talk was not about the book. It was about the recent developments in the Middle East – the toppling of the Tunisian and Egyptian governments, the uprisings in Syria, Yemen, Lybia etc.
This guy knows what he’s talking about and it was an extremely interesting and engaging talk. If you attended, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.
The Ugly Nun shows her face one more time at a recent Purim Party. The Ugly Nun will keep appearing until every single person in the city has seen her. At last count, there were still 4 more people to go.