It’s been years since The Ugly Nun was last seen. Many were hopeful that was the end of it. They will be disappointed. Tonight there was a confirmed Ugly Nun sighting, and it gets worse: in spite of being celibate, she appears to have procreated.
Oh, the humanity!
They’re ugly. They’re holy. They’re constipated. And they’re way past their nap time.Like Mother Superior, like son.Sixth Street doesn’t stand a chance.
Disclaimer: the smaller Ugly Nun is actually a paid actor, his name is Ilan Kirsch. The larger one, nobody’s sure what that is.
The MKX® received reports a few weeks ago about an Ugly Nun sighting in South Miami Beach late last month. Since this was the first time we ever heard of The Ugly Nun being outside of Austin, and there was no hard proof on the reporsts, we decided not to publish anything. After all, we receive hundreds of tips on unsubstantiated rumors every week and we can’t just post about them all.
On Purim’s eve (Thursday night) the Ugly Nun resurfaced at the big party down at the Hillel building thrown this year. The surprisingly excellent Israeli reggae band Hatikva 6 played live. A fun night. Chag sameach! (album)
Blue really brings out Moi’s eyes, and covers the rest of his face! Nice.
Shelly, Hatikva 6’s ultra-hot keyboard player.
Shelly: if you ever Google “Hatikva 6 Austin”, drop me a line!
The world was a very different place back when we started: No Facebook. Only monochrome iPods. A world in which Britney Spears was a wholesome young role model and presumably still a virgin (yeah, right). Even the Ugly Nun wasn’t famous yet! How did we ever manage to live like that?!
Yes, it’s been a wild ride and everyone in the team is thankful for your loyal readership. Have a happy 2008 and let’s share many more adventures.
The Ugly Nun takes a break. “El Biker” makes an appearance. A bunch of friends and I headed downtown to check out the costumes. Just like every year, there were thousands of people on the streets wearing some very cool costumes and most women were dressed up as “slutty ” (but not my friends, they’re nice girls.
Note my cool mustache and sideburns. I had girls all over me, even more than the usual. Like flies all over a honey-smeared Marcos! I thought about it loooong and hard this morning, but at the end I shaved it all off. I’ll miss you mustache and sideburns. You made other guys fear me in the streets and the woman lust after me. Anyway, go see the photos, but keep in mind Andres is semi-nude in them. So if you’re pregnant, have back problems, or a weak stomach, don’t say I didn’t warn you.
After dissapearing from the Austin streets for many many months, the Ugly Nun has reappeared (now with more facial hair than ever before) in town!.Before dissappearing again in the shadows of the night, the Ugly Nun presumably was heard saying: “I’ll be back… in Purim”Click on the image below to see some pictures from Halloween 2004.
I have posted a few Halloween photos using some of that .mac magic we all love. Check them out! (and see The Ugly Nun).
I also bought some prints. We’ll see how they look in a few days.
Update October 31 2014: .Mac homepage were taken down. So I’m uploading the images again here.