The Ugly Nun strikes back!

After dissapearing from the Austin streets for many many months, the Ugly Nun has reappeared (now with more facial hair than ever before) in town!.Before dissappearing again in the shadows of the night, the Ugly Nun presumably was heard saying: “I’ll be back… in Purim”Click on the image below to see some pictures from Halloween 2004.


4 thoughts on “The Ugly Nun strikes back!”

  1. Las fotos estan excelentes! Con $100 nos hubieramos hecho una super *censurado* (ya que el dinero sucio, hay que gastarlo con los amigos!)… la chilindrina es una hija de la *censurado*!

  2. Quién crees que eres *censurado* *censurado* *censurado* *censurado* *censurado* *censurado* *censurado* *censurado* *censurado* *censurado* Marcos para censurar mis comentarios???


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