The only way to simultaneously amass tons of geek cred AND work on your tan is to surround yourself by four large LCD monitors. This is my new setup, put together after lots of scavenging around the office. Does it make me more efficient? Maybe. Does it make me cooler? In some circles. Does it make you jealous? Most certainly. Can I launch nuclear attacks from it? That’s classified.
Category Archives: Mundo Dilbert
French press disaster
I am a big fan of Bodum’s French Press Coffee Mug, and so are cockroaches. It provides a fresh dose of morning caffeine with minimal effort, and I love minimal efforts, especially when it involves kitchen work or blog post writing.
The problem is that when you handle this thing the most, you do it before you have had your coffee. So today I put mine in a plastic supermarket bag, not noticing the lack of bottom in said bag. My mug slid accelerating at roughly 9.8 meters per second before coming to an abrupt stop when it hit the dreaded un-stainable carpet. A double-wall penetrating crack is not in the bottom corner. For now I can use my backup French Press Coffee Mug (yes, I have a backup) but I better get a new one. Bummer.
NIWeek 2010 booth babes
Today was the last day of NIWeek 2010, “Worldwide Graphical System Design Conference and Exhibition” hosted every year by the good people of National Instruments in Austin, TX. I roamed the expansive expo floor and took some photos. Below is a gallery of the hottest, best looking booth babes present at the show. You are most welcome!
Masacotes de Eyjafjallajökull
This is the eighth participation of our legenday volleyball team in the NI Summer Volleyball League. Let’s see if we can take the trophy this time.

Top row: Victor Guardado, Marcos Kirsch, Jerónimo Mota, Jaime Fernández
Bottom row: Daniel Jaramillo, Alejandro Zepeda, Gustavo Castro, Alejandro del Castillo
Male to female ratio at work
I just learned that there are 5.26 men for each woman where I work. This is not the average for the whole company, just for the building I’m at. For the whole company the numbers are slightly (but not much) more balanced.
Keep in mind that I work in the Research and Development building. No HR, no Sales, almost no Marketing where I am. Draw your own conclusions.
French press surprise
I’m a huge fan of Bodum‘s French Press coffee mug. In a few minutes you make a large cup of freshly pressed coffee with minimal work and minimal dishes. I actually own two, one for work, and one for home.
So I highly recommend it to my coffee drinking colleagues. One of them, Eli Seidner, got one too. I forgot to mention to him that he should wash it after using it, especially if you are going to leave it at the office and then go home for the weekend.
Below, Eli’s mug:

Read more to see the photo from a better angle.
As seen in the kitchennette
Now that the Coffice is gone, I’m back to the same kitchennette meant for mere mortal coffee drinkers. I found this sign there:
The Coffice is no more
In a bout of corporate arm-wrestling and a defeat to all coffee-loving humans, the Coffice must be vacated by the end of the week. It seems like people in places higher than me think that the space can be better used to accommodate an engineer as opposed to an electrical stove, a pot, and some coffee and sweets. It is a sad day.
Now I need to find somebody else’s office to cram all this junk in. I have just the guy in mind…
Piss a Colombian off
Turkish coffee
After a heavy lunch of Indian food it’s hard to stay awake. Nothing keeps you going like a cup (or two) of delicious Elite turkish coffee prepared in the newly set up coffee office: “The Coffice” with the tools I recently imported.