People kept telling me how Berkeley is so much “weirder” than Austin. So as I headed out to grab me some lunch I was excited to see this fully ornamented “Frida Kahlo” car:

Then I looked more closely. Never mind:

And the hunt for weird goes on…
This is the weirdest video you will see today. Allegedly the snake died later of silicone poisoning.
If you thought that Raul Castro lighting a Chanukiah was a weird sight, then you need to check this video out.
It was a busy Saturday. After a cultural morning at Art City Austin, I headed over to Pease Park for Eeyore’s 47th birthday party. This year it seemed even more crowded than the years before. The usual assortment of colorful costumes, drum circles, dancing, beer, topless hippies, and family vibe was present again.
I have posted some higher-than-usual quality photos in The MKX® Photo Central of this awesome Austin tradition. They were taken with Jaramillo’s big manly camera, not my tiny puny pocket toy.
It is the dream of every free man and woman in the world to re-live that glorious time period that woke humanity up from the Dark Age and propelled it towards modernity: The Renaissance. Or at least that’s what the organizers of the Texas Renaissance Festival in Platersville, Texas would want you to believe.
I attended for the first time ever a couple of weeks ago. First let me get this out of the way: As far as this thing is concerned, there is no effort whatsoever to portray things in a historically manner. Sort of how Taco Bell doesn’t try to accurately portray Mexican food.
Now that we got this out of the way and you are comfortable being surrounded by people dressed up as Romans, Greeks, Middle Age peasants, Star Wars stormtroopers, etc. you can get to the fun part. The festival is much bigger and interesting than I’d have suspected, but granted, my expectations were low. They have built this really large village, with actual permanent buildings. The thing is very large. And they filled it with people dressed in ridiculous costumes who speak with a funny English accent and eat turkey legs with their hands. And that’s all good because I like dressing with ridiculous costumes, I speak with a funny English accent, and I like eating turkey legs.
Read more to see more photographic evidence.
Update 4/28: Now on The Austinist.
Update 4/27: The Daily Texan has posted an article with video. Try finding Jamie S., Carrie S., Marcos K., Jaramillo, or Tim H. in it. If you see them, post the time in the comments!
Yesterday was Eeyore’s 46th Birthday (previously covered in The MKX®), celebrated every year in Austin, TX. To spice things up, but mostly to give me something to post about in this blog, I joined the people of flash mob austin to take part in their latest prank: The World’s Largest Live Where’s Waldo Search Party.
It’s easy: you dress like the notorious M.I.A. cartoon character and blend in with the wholesome crowd of Austin original hippies, little boys, and topless women. The real Waldo is walking around as well (it’s actually a guy dressed like him, but you get the point) and whoever finds him gets a prize.
More photos and a video after the break.
Continue reading Eeyore’s 46th Birthday + Where’s Waldo
Just last October, the mayor of Austin turned into a zombie. The zombie invasion continues, as a few road signs near the University of Texas howed. Please advise on zombie fighting techniques. You can read more about it in the Austin-American Statesman.
Courtesy of Jaramillo. More photos after the break.
Keep Austin Weird, my frieds. Among many other activities I was engaged in today I went to Eeyore’s annual birthday party (Wikipedia) (a.k.a. Igor el Burrito) at Pease Park.First time I’ve been to this festival, which is embarrasing since I’ve lived in Austin for so long. It’s full of hippies, people in costumes, drums, egg-tossing contests, music, beer, and topless women. What’s not to like?Unfortunately I did not bring my camera, so I leave you with a few photos I found in Flickr: