Tag Archives: apple

Macworld report part 3

Third and final installment….

On this video, you can see Amit demonstrating the power of this table. It’s a lot like Microsoft Surface, but not nearly as slick. It was not powered by a Mac and it wasn’t an iPhone case, so I’m not sure why it was at Macworld. I also don’t remember the company’s name. But given the graceful hand motions of the demo man, I could not skip it.

Click the link to see more amazing thing.

Continue reading Macworld report part 3

Macworld report part 1

I started following the Macworld Expo since long before the days of the Internet. But this is the first time that I’ve had the opportunity to attend. Macworld Expo is famous for being the place where Steve Jobs would use his superpowers to induce mass nerdgasms whenever he unveiled Apple’s latest creation, among others: iMac, iBook, iTunes, Safari, and of course, iPhone.

Sadly, in 2009 Apple decided not to participate in Macworld anymore. When Apple went, so did other large developers. But the Expo is still going year after year.

I bought expo floor-only passes. The conferences didn’t seem attractive enough to warrant the cruelty of putting Shlomit through them. So, a team of three correspondents (we were joined by Amit) from The MKX® attended Macworld.

About 2/3 of the expo area were covered with every imaginable iPhone/iPad case/stand. Still, here are some of the interesting things we saw from the other 1/3.

Read more to see a few…

Continue reading Macworld report part 1

MacBook Air

I stopped by the local Apple Store to look at the new MacBook Air. Man it’s so tiny! According to the reviews and to what little I played with it, it seems fast enough for most daily tasks. My only recommendation is to get the one with the bigger 128 GB hard drive. Not a single demo machine at the store had the 64 GB one, they all had the 128 GB drive. And all the demo units had their hard drives already more than half full. You do the math.

Newton 120

Is that some sort of iPad prototype? Nope, it’s a Newton: the original tablet, or at least the first PDA. Moi found Jaco‘s first Newton: a MessagePad 120 circa 1992. We took out the old batteries from the Newton and its the external 2400 bps Apple Newton Fax Modem which had luckily not leaked.

Plug it in to the wall and voilá! It works, and it still has a bunch of contacts stored from the mid nineties. These things were really, really nice and at least a full decade ahead of their time.

That's my reflection, not my photo... the screen is greyscale.