The new Apple Watch is out. I was very surprised by a very familiar sight at the beginning of the ad… as in: most mornings this is what I see familiar.
When did she shoot this? How much was she paid?

The new Apple Watch is out. I was very surprised by a very familiar sight at the beginning of the ad… as in: most mornings this is what I see familiar.
When did she shoot this? How much was she paid?
Ten years ago (yes, The MKX® is that old) I posted a side-by-side comparison of the original 1984 commercial and the updated twentieth anniversary version shown in 2004. It even made it to the venerable MacSurfer’s Headline News. Sadly, modern QuickTime doesn’t like that video, maybe it dropped whatever codec I used, or the file got corrupted, or something.
So today, for the thirtieth anniversary (!) I whipped out good ol’ QuickTime 7 to put it together again. Here’s the YouTube version:
And for those of you who’d like to download the QuickTime file with both videos embedded (you can play with each element in QuickTime 7 in the properties dialog for the movie), a link to the original MOV file. Download the file and open in QuickTime 7. The browser embed messes it up (go figure).
And last, this is my Twentieth Anniversary 1984 poster, given out after the keynote by Steve Jobs at MacWorld 2004.
Where is my Thirtieth Anniversary version, with the girl wearing an iPhone in an armband?
The ADL, the nation’s premier civil rights organization is running ads in The New York Times, The Washington Post and the International Herald Tribune calling attention to what Hamas is.
This is in light of the reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah. The PA has declared that they will unilaterally seek statehood recognition at the UN on September. Hamas, who rejects Israel’s right to exist and is openly Anti-semitic (among many other things) would become part of the government of such state.
Check out the ads by clicking on the image below and feel free to spread them.
Sorry, I don’t want this blog to turn into a “Best of YouTube” website. But this one is really good: Currys & PC World Megastores TV Ad Director’s Cut.
I had a dream not long ago that went exactly like this. Thanks to Karina Merino for the link.
The resemblance between the old Newton ad and the new iPad ad is uncanny but not coincidental, a homage if you may. If you think the iPad is futuristic or ahead of its time – or magical even, then you probably didn’t get to play with a Newton when it first came out. My brother owned two and it was the coolest piece of technology. But it didn’t do as well: In it’s five years of existence, 200,000 Newtons were sold. In its first day, 300,000 iPads were sold.
I suspect this is used on me.
It finally rained… and it rained hard in Austin all weekend. But it’s still pretty dry out there which reminded me of these very famous TV commercials from a very successful water conservation campaign in Mexico all the way back in 1983. What I did not know is that the kid in the ads is the son of comedian Enrique “El Polivoz” Cuenca. Check them after the break…