My wife took it apart. She also built most of it. I managed to grab photographic proof that we built this and I post it here for my own sake.

My wife took it apart. She also built most of it. I managed to grab photographic proof that we built this and I post it here for my own sake.
There’s other things at Disneyworld, but the highlight is the new Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge section of Disney’s Hollywood Studios.
It is located in the village of Black Spire Outpost, on the wild frontier planet of Batuu at some point in time during the new trilogy. The attention to detail is mind blowing.
There are two main attractions: Rise of the Resistance and Smuggler’s Run. The first one is the biggest, most epic ride ever built. It is kind of surreal to step into the Millenium Falcon having been watching the movies for forty years.
Getting to ride Rise of the Resistance is tricky because of high demand and a new virtual queue system. Maybe I’ll write with tips on how to ensure your spot. If someone asks.
Photos follow. Consider this your spoiler alert.
I grew up in the eighties. Like every other healthy kid who grew up in the eighties, I like Star Wars and Back to the Future. Last month there were two moments that made my inner kid happy. I share below.
Jorge Valdano wisely said: “El fútbol es lo más importante entre las cosas menos importantes” (“Soccer is the most important thing among the least important things”).
He is right. This is my addendum: “Star Wars is the second most important thing amongst the least important things”.
As in soccer, you can get into fist fights about Star Wars. But unlike soccer, Star Wars-related fist fights are quick and unfair because you’re fighting trekkies.
I liked the movie, and it wasn’t a redo of an old one. Go see it.
We at The MKX® receive hundreds… well maybe tens of fan emails every day. This recent one caught our eye, send by Jaco:
Thank you! Keep them coming!
J.J. will push every single nostalgia button in your body. You must go see it.
By Mexican cartoonist Paco Calderon.
Sorry, I don’t want this blog to turn into a “Best of YouTube” website. But this one is really good: Currys & PC World Megastores TV Ad Director’s Cut.
Watching TPM (The Phantom Menace) in 3D would be like the car actually crashing into your face as opposed to just unfolding before your eyes. (via Twitter)
Yesterday George Lucas announced that he’s going to re-release all six Star Wars movies, this time converted in 3D. Please stop, George. Haven’t you already done enough?
I had a dream not long ago that went exactly like this. Thanks to Karina Merino for the link.