Category Archives: Life of Marcos

Water damage

Today, right before I headed out to my weekly life drawing studio, I opened the trunk of my car in order to throw some stuff in it. That’s when I realized that I had left a cooler full of (now melted) ice in there, together with my sketchpads containing about two years worth of drawings. The cooler fell to its side and everything got soaked. Unlike my digital files, I don’t have hourly + offsite backups of my hand drawings.

I quickly drove home, in order to examine how bad the damage was and to try to rescue as much as possible. I laid most of the drawings flat for them to dry out. Turns out I got lucky: the sketch pad that got most of the water got soaked on the back, where there’s a hard cardboard cover and about 30 blank sheets of paper between the water and the drawings.

Here’s a photo of my floor right now:

Wet drawings

I do take digital photos of the drawings. They are fully backed up and available for your pleasure in The MKX® Photo Central, if you care.

Sure Soft Solid Part IV

Previous related posts: I, II, III.

I finally ran out of my (discontinued) Sure Soft Solid supply. It lasted me a little over a year. While you can still find both Sure Soft Solid and the replacement Sure MAX online, they are terribly expensive. At brick-and-mortar stores  I couldn’t find either one. Not at HEB, not at Walmart, not at Walgreens.

What I did find at Walmart was a single lonely Old Spice Red Zone High Performance Solid bar, the one mentioned by Moi in this comment – he wasn’t lying after all. It was the “after hours” smell. Whatever that means.

Same parent company, same ingredients, but the smell… I already feel more manly.

Tequila Don José Luis Del Toro Ramírez

Tequila Don José Luis Del Toro Ramírez Añejo, 100% de Agave
Tequila Don José Luis Del Toro Ramírez Añejo 100% de Agave

Yesterday I received a new and mysterious bottle of Tequila that my dad sent me. My dad somehow manages to find me some wonderful and rare drink every now and then. The brand: “Don José Luis Del Toro Ramírez“. I had never heard about it and I couldn’t find anything about it on Google. So here’s the story:

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Better late than never MEGA party




We had a little get-together on Saturday at my place. Unfortunately I lost all the photos in a timely hard drive crash. Fortunately I was able to recover the pictures from the camera’s memory card. It was a great time. Thanks to anyone who made it, especially those who came from out of town and those who helped clean afterwards!

If you have any photos, please let me know through the comments and I’ll link to them from here (or upload them myself). Read more for links and more photos.

Continue reading Better late than never MEGA party

Disaster strikes

hard-drive-crashI started having computer problems a few days ago. They coincidentally started right after I applied the Mac OS X 10.5.7 update. So I blamed that and decided to deal with it whenever I get a chance. The symptoms: my Mac mini would lock up after I use iTunes or iPhoto for a little bit. I didn’t really think it was a problem with iTunes or iPhoto themselves nor their files since they happen to be the applications I use the most on that machine – so I assumed the computer would lock up regardless of what program I’m using.

Turns out I was wrong. What happened is that the external hard drive that I use to hold (surprise!) all of my music collection, videos, and over 8000 photos was dying. It finally stopped functioning altogether tonight. None of my computers can even see it, much less mount it or extract any data from it.

Continue reading Disaster strikes


Marcos Jowling

This is one of the most fun things you can do with only a few friends and a camera: Shake your head side-to-side vigorously while relaxing its muscles as much as you can; then someone takes a picture. The result is a beautiful still-capture of motion, like those milk drop pictures.

It’s really not a new thing. Read more to see a few we did, and there are many others at the official site

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