Today, right before I headed out to my weekly life drawing studio, I opened the trunk of my car in order to throw some stuff in it. That’s when I realized that I had left a cooler full of (now melted) ice in there, together with my sketchpads containing about two years worth of drawings. The cooler fell to its side and everything got soaked. Unlike my digital files, I don’t have hourly + offsite backups of my hand drawings.
I quickly drove home, in order to examine how bad the damage was and to try to rescue as much as possible. I laid most of the drawings flat for them to dry out. Turns out I got lucky: the sketch pad that got most of the water got soaked on the back, where there’s a hard cardboard cover and about 30 blank sheets of paper between the water and the drawings.
Here’s a photo of my floor right now:

I do take digital photos of the drawings. They are fully backed up and available for your pleasure in The MKX® Photo Central, if you care.
I started posting some of the drawings I make at AVAA‘s Life Drawing workshop on a more regular basis. I attend most Sundays and I try to upload Sunday night. You can check them out at The MKX® Photo Central under the Life Drawing. All feedback short of “you should quit trying” is appreciated. Here’s an older post about AVAA’s Life Drawing.
Below, two recent drawings I like:

I’m reasonably satisfied with this one.

I took these two cellphone photos at AVAA‘s Life Drawing session last Sunday during one of the breaks.
It’s cool to see the different drawings/paintings by different artists using different techniques, all of them from slightly different angles. It’s also impressive: everyone is very, very talented (and better than me).
All of the artwork is unfinished, shown after only 30 minutes or so of work. Click to enlarge and try to guess which one is mine.

So here I am, drawing a portrait of Aarón Kirsch (a.k.a. dad). I’m using photos as reference. I thought it’d be fun to draw (chubby face and really hard hair). I’m almost done sketching with a pencil, so I step back to take a look and to my surprise, it looks just like my brother Moi.
Holy shit. That’s scary.
I’ll keep working at it though. If it comes up ok I will upload a scan. If not, I will pretend it never happened. In the meantime, I uploaded some more sketches from the Life Drawing Programs workshops at AVAA that I’ve made to the Monos section of The MKX® Photo Central.
As of today, a new and exciting product hits The MKX® Gift Shop.
This beautiful 100% cotton t-shirt is printed with original art by “engineer by day, sound asleep by night” Marcos. It depicts a completely fictitious character based on no actual person, living or otherwise. Comes only in “Queensryche black” that hides tomato sauce stains better than any other color, except for red. You can buy it for man or for woman,. although for the life of me I can’t imagine why a woman would ever want to wear this (or a man for that matter… consider this item part of a larger social experiment).
Don’t delay, buy now! Gift it to any one of the many enemies of the person the drawing is based on. All profits (which are slimmer than you’d think, even though the t-shirt is quite expensive to the consumer) go to the Buy Marcos Some New Videogames Foundation.
No ugly people were harmed making this blog.