Tag Archives: soccer

One World Futbol

One World Futbol

So this Tim dude is watching CNN one day, and some kids from Darfur are playing soccer using a make shift ball made out of twine and trash. So he thinks to himself: “Wouldn’t it be great if this kids could have a soccer ball that would never need to be inflated, couldn’t puncture, can be used in any terrain, and would basically last forever?”. Then he remembered once seeing a foam-like material, much like what Crocs are made of. One day he casually mentions the idea to his buddy Sting who agreed to finance the endeavor.

Fast forward and the One World Futbol project is born: A regulation size and weight ultra durable all-terrain soccer ball. You buy one for the not-so-low price of $39.99 and another one just like yours is donated to some kid in the other side of the world. The same model was used by the OLPC project, which didn’t hasn’t worked out so well, but perhaps this time it will be different.

It’s a great idea. The one unanswered question is: Does this ball actually feel like your good ole soccer ball, painstakingly sewed by the nimble hand of some Pakistani kid? I can’t seem to find any opinions from people who have actually hit the ball. I personally wouldn’t pay forty bucks for a soccer ball that plays like a ga-ga ball, donation or not. But then again, I may not be the target market. Here’s hoping for this project’s success.

Brazil VS North Korea

In our first night time game, we were able to do some touristy stuff: Newtown, the Apartheid museum, the SAB World of Beer museum. Then to Ellis Park for our last game in Johannesburg: Brazil VS N. Korea. It was a little bit like watching the Globetrotters. Fun to see. Sadly it was freezing cold, so the usual Brazilian eye candy was hidden under many layers of clothing. Maybe in 2014.

Panini call to help

I need your help! I have now gone through the box of stickers that Corona brought me from Mexico. I have a few repeats but still many missing – 214 to be precise.

If you are collecting the album and can help out, if you want to trade, if you know where to buy the stickers in Austin… please post in the comments. This is my list. It will stay updated as I collect more stickers. The list itself is generated by a simple PHP script that I wrote. If you want the script just let me know!

Waka Waka

This is the official song for the upcoming World Cup, titled “Waka Waka”. It’s not a joke, and it’s not performed by Fozzie Bear. It’s sung by Colombian hottie Shakira. On the video you can see Osvaldo Sánchez, Omar Bravo, David Beckham, and some other players that are not attending the World Cup. This is appropriate, because Colombia is not attending either.

The song didn’t quite do it for me. When I want to get into World Cup mood, this is what I listen to. And this. And this. And this. Wow, now I am in World Cup mood. I wonder if I can still find tickets…