Tag Archives: megaparty

Better late than never MEGA party




We had a little get-together on Saturday at my place. Unfortunately I lost all the photos in a timely hard drive crash. Fortunately I was able to recover the pictures from the camera’s memory card. It was a great time. Thanks to anyone who made it, especially those who came from out of town and those who helped clean afterwards!

If you have any photos, please let me know through the comments and I’ll link to them from here (or upload them myself). Read more for links and more photos.

Continue reading Better late than never MEGA party

The Final Party

Last Saturday I threw a small gathering at my place together with Totah to celebrate the fact that we both just turned XXX.

Photos will be coming soon. However, it looks like my camera ate my memory card again so I don’t know how many I’ll be able to rescue. If you were there and took any photos, let me know (use the comments or email me) so that I can collect and post them. And expect photos of me running over my camera with my car.

However, I want to use this space to thank everyone who came from out of town. We had people from Dallas, Houston, Monterrey, New York. A record total of miles traveled. I really, really appreciate it, it was great having you all here (Tomer, Arturo, Arturo, Nathán, J.C., Tilón, etc.).

Also, thanks to everyone who helped out with the planning and the cleaning: No parties would happen without your help, can’t emphasize this enough. This year’s hero medal goes to D.J. Fucho who rushed to get a replacement for a burned stereo amplifier at 2 A.M. (with still another four hours of party to go!) and had it all working again with barely a hitch. Amazing stuff.

Read on for the original evite.

[Update 5/6/2008]: Photos posted.

Continue reading The Final Party

Not a Cinco de Mayo party photos

Feels like it was yesterday… but it’s actually been more than two days!

I have uploaded a few photos from the party on Saturday. But before that, look closely at the photo above and this photo… and tell me in the comments how I haven’t aged a bit (I still look 35).

Thanks to everyone who came, especially the out-of-towners (we had people from Monterrey, San Antonio, Houston, Dallas, and we were a few hours away from having people from Munich). And those who helped out before, during, and after the party, you make life worth living. Well maybe not so much but thanks.

Now click here to be taken to the password request page so you can gain access to the The MKX® Photo Central and finally see some photos!

[Update May 8th, 2007] I uploaded a few more photos I was sent.

[Update May 11th, 2007] Added photos sent by Vanessa.

[Update April 4th, 2008] Full evite text below.

Goodness golly. Is it May 2007 already? Time flies, things change and yet they remain the same. For example, back when we were 16 years old we used to love bullfighting, playing russian roulette, Maradona and going to really fun parties. Now that we are almost (approximately) 21 years old, we still love the same things, except for Maradona who let us all down with his drug-related problems.

Sorry, this is not the evite for the 2007 Russian Roulette Tournament (expect that one sometime next week). This is the evite for the one and only, exciting, super fun, unforgetable Birthday Party of Karine, Julia, and Marcos.

We’ll be meeting at the same place as last year (La Guarida). Bring some booze: Vodka, Tequila, Rum, Whisky, even that disgusting Smirnoff Ice (but no beer as a keg will be provided), lots of energy and be prepared for a good time.

For those of you who are too lazy to read through the whole thing (95% of you), here’s the executive summary:

What: Birthday party
Whose: Karine, Julia and Marcos
When: May 5th
Where: La Guarida
Who: The good looking, a.k.a. you, the recipients of this evite
Why: To scratch that itch – or something
How much: Free! But some alcohol and a good attitude are always appreciated.

[UPDATE 4/30/2007] It’s almost Saturday! We know you’re so excited you can barely hold in your pee… can’t blame you, I already had to change twice today!
If you haven’t replied to the evite yet, do it now or the organizers won’t know how many jello shots to make! You never want to be short on jello shots, now do you? A “Maybe” is better than a “No Reply” in the eyes of the all-powerful party throwers.
See you soon:
Marcos, Karine, Julia, and the supreme polka-dancing midgets.

Hope to see you soon!
Respond to the damn evite!
Be merry!

Your hosts
Karine, Julia and Marcos

[UPDATE 4/17/2007] Moved the party back 12 hours. It’s 9:00 PM, not AM (duh!)

[UPDATE 4/25/2007] We have now confirmed the participation two of the most popular DJs in South America, Eastern Europe and some parts of Japan: Extreme sports enthusiast and Master of the Venezuelan Gozadera DJ Fucho plus American Idol runner up and the King of Rythm DJ^2. Things are looking good for the party.

A darn good party

For no good reason, we decided to have a party last night. But not just any party. A darn good party. 100+ people showed up and utterly trashed my house.

Special thanks to logistics specialist Julia Gallegos, Cheff Nathan Finkelstein and decorator / all around nice guy Arturito Karakowsky. Music and technical expertise were provided by DJ Cetrulo and DJ^2. If it wasn’t for them, we would have been listening to nothing but Soda Stereo all night.

Also, some special words go out to everyone who came from out for the party: Sarai, Efrat, Vanessa, David, Don Filemon, Nancy, Betty, Johnny Kings, Sandrita and Juan. The party wouldn’t have been the same without you. We would have had more beer-per-capita.

The “cleaning the day after” turned out to be the real party. A lot of poeple helped there too: Efrat, Arturito, Sofía, Carolina, Julia and Arturo.

And… if you read this far: Photos.

[UPDATE 11/21/2005]: See more of Darth Cetrulo. Jaramillo has posted some pictures of his own.

[UPDATE 2 11/21/2005]: Johnny Kings posts even more pictures. Darth Cetrulo unleashed!

[UPDATE 3 4/30/2008]: Read on to see original evite text.

Continue reading A darn good party

Happy Birthday to me

As not a single reader knows (not that I have any), my birthday was last Monday, May 3. That makes me 26 years old, although I look 30 and feel 40.

It was a fun birthday, besides going out to luch with some co-non-workers, we went to Cain & Abel’s (a bar in west campus). It was also Michael Margolis’ goodbye party from Austin. Goodbye Michael.

On Saturday, against the weather reports, we had a barbecue (carne asada) at the pool. Here’s the invitation text, which I paste here because I thought it was funny:

(English translation follows)

Queridos compañeros, amigos, conocidos y demás:

Como todos ustedes saben, a pesar de que físicamente sigo siendo tan guapo y jovial, el paso del tiempo no se detiene. He llegado a mis veintiseis (26) primaveras en contra de todos los pronósticos.

Para celebrar este acontecimiento, el díaa del albañil (3 de Mayo también), la victoria en la batalla de Puebla (5 de Mayo), el día del trabajo (1 de Mayo), el fin del semestre y hasta el día de las madres (10 de Mayo)… nos vemos este sábado 8 de Mayo 4:00 PM en las albercas aledañas a mi departamento situado en 12370 Alameda Trace Circle (Arrowood 133 – Riata) para una deliciosa Carne Asada (BBQ – para que salga bien en la traducción).

Preguntas frecuentes (FAQ)

1. ¿Cuando cumples años? Demasiado tarde. Ya cumplí.

2. ¿Puedo llevarte un regalo? Pero ¡por supuesto!

3. Se rumora que Jack Zagha va a manejar 30,000 millas desde California para estar en tu piñata. ¿es cierto? Si. Y se le agradece pero no le voy a reembolzar la gasolina.

4. ¿Qué va a haber de comer? Lo que traigas. Es decir, cada quien trae su comida. Aquí tenemos asadores para preparar todo.

5. ¿Y de tomar? Que bueno que lo mencionas. Todo tipo de bebidas – cerveza, ron, Tequila, CAGUAMAS DE CARTA BLANCA, vodka, sabrosísimo aguardiente, etc. será muy agradecido. Como dicen los de la Trinca: Más vale que sobre y no que falte.

6. ¿Debo llevar traje de baño? Si. Aquí tenemos alberca, piscina y pileta, además de un jacuzzi.

7. Chido. ¿Para más dudas a donde me comunico? A mi celular 512-7969157 o mándame un email.

8. ¿y si el clima esta muy feo? Los organizadores estarán monitoreando los pronósticos del clima… si la cosa se ve mal, ya hay un plan alternativo ultra-secreto que se les anunciará por lo menos el día anterior.

9. Quiero llevar unas amigas, ¿no hay bronca? Eso lo decide el interventor de gobernaciín Daniel Jaramillo. Mándenle las fotos de las amigas a él.

10. Marcos, siento decirtelo pero en realidad nunca me caíste bien. Lo sospechaba. No importa, tú ven de todos modos y habla mal de mí a mis espaldas ¡te la pasarás a todo dar!

Gracias y espero verlos el sábado


English google translation follows… if you don’t read Spanish AND you don’t understand google automatic translations…. well, that’s too bad.

Dear companions, friends, known and others:

As all you know, although I physically continue being so handsome and jovial, the passage of time does not stop. I have arrived at my veintiseis (26) springs against all the prognoses.

In order to celebrate this event, the day of the bricklayer (3 of May also), the victory in the battle of Puebla (5 of May), the day of the work (1 of May), the aim of the semester and until the day of the mothers (10 of May)… we see this Saturday 8 of May 4:00 p.m.in the ponds bordering to my department located in 12370 Alameda Trace Circle (Arrowood 133 – Riata) for a delicious Roasted Meat (BBQ – so that it comes out well in the translation).

Frequent questions (FAQ)

1. When you turn years? Too much late. I already fulfilled.

2. I can llevarte a gift? But of course!

3. It is rumored that Jack Zagha is going to handle 30.000 miles from California to be in your piñata. it is certain? Yes. And it is thanked for to him but I am not going to him to reembolzar the gasoline.

4. What is going to have to eat? What you bring. That is to say, every one brings its food. Here we have grills to prepare everything.

5. And to drink? That good that you mention it. All type of drinks – beer, rum, Tequila, CAGUAMAS OF UNLIMITED POWER, vodka, sabrosísimo aguardiente, etc. very will be thanked for. As they say those of the Lashing: More bond than on and not that lacks.

6. I must wear bath suit? Yes. Here we have pond, swimming pool and sink, in addition to jacuzzi.

7, Chido . For more doubts to where I communicate? To my cellular 512-7969157 or mandame an email.

8. and if the very ugly climate this? The organizers will be monitoreando the prognoses of the climate… if the thing is bad, already is an ultrasecret alternative plan that will announce at least the previous day to them.

9. I want to take friends, is no quarrel? That decides the government inspector Daniel Jaramillo. Send the photos of the friends to him.

10. Marcos, I in fact never feel to tell you but I never liked you well. I suspected it. It does not matter, you they see and speaks bad of me my backs anyway you you will pass it to everything to give!

Thanks and I hope to see you SaturdayMarcos

(PS: no Mexicans were harmed in the automatic translation of this text. Hope you can make sense out of it – Ed.)

I received some clever responses too:

(Spanish translation follows)Happy Birthday! I will be there on time (Israeli time that is…) what shell I bring? Assaf

Spanish google translation follows… if you don’t read English AND you don’t understand google automatic translations…. well, that’s too bad.

¡Los Cumpleaños felices! ¡Estaré yo allí a la hora (tiempo israelí que es. ..) lo que pela trae? Assaf

Michell Totah sent this cheerfull message:


Weather turned out ok though. It stopped raining at 4:00 and the sun came out and quickly dried everything. That didn’t stop people from getting mud all over my apartment.

Alejandro Muleiro was quick to request permission to invite her friend:

Estimado Senior Interventor, expongo a continuacion una lista de lindas acompaniantes para el fiesta del Sabado a su criterio.

Atte:Alejandro Muleiro

Unfortunately, the girl did not show up. She had to go work at the strip club to fill in for a sick dancer. Sucks to work on a Saturday, doesn’t it?All in all. thanks to everyone for showing up and doing all the cooking. Also thanks for the various gifts (speaking Simpsons opener, authentic mole poblano, hauled all the way from…. Puebla, what else. And of course, pictures are available. Most of the people in there I’ve never seen and I had to give them $10 to make it seem like I have friends.