Session management for interactive debugging

Iker, Santiago, Carlos
Los Mascotes – NI’s summer volleyball league’s oldest (maybe) team – is back. Against all odds we reached the final last year. And lost it.
Can we win the league this time? Yes, we can.
A while ago, after we installed our Nest thermostats in our respective homes, Jaramillo and I got together and created a LabVIEW API for controlling the Nest – meaning it makes it super easy to control the Nest from your LabVIEW (NI‘s graphical programming language) program.
My guess is that the number of 1) LabVIEW programmers with a 2) Nest thermostat who want to 3) write their own programs to control it is quite small. But it was a nice little learning project.
It has since been posted in LabVIEW MakerHub and improved upon. They even made a video:
I expect zero The MKX® readers to use it, but at least it’s now been recorded here for posterity.
Kind of cool… please provide any feedback.
Application number: 12/826,299
Publication number: US 2011/0316544 A1
Many of you saw this cool computer animation that went viral a few years ago (you know it’s because it’s hosted on Google Video):
This week at IDF they demo’ed a real-life version. The video is not professionally shot, sadly:
They mention they use a bunch of Intel gear. What they don’t mention, is that the company that put this together, SISU Devices, also used a bunch of National Instruments hardware and software, probably a more key component to the system. Cool stuff.
This was shown at a recent meeting at work and drew big laughs. No idea if people outside the tech industry find it as funny, but feel free to share your thoughts.
My summer intern may or may not identify.
Today was the last day of NIWeek 2010, “Worldwide Graphical System Design Conference and Exhibition” hosted every year by the good people of National Instruments in Austin, TX. I roamed the expansive expo floor and took some photos. Below is a gallery of the hottest, best looking booth babes present at the show. You are most welcome!
This is a photo I just took of what is apparently the smoke from a plane crash on MoPac and 183. I took it from the eight floor of my building at work:
There’s not a lot of news out there but KVUE has a report (with video): Apparently a 1-engine Cessna crashed onto the Echelon building.
According to my calculations, in the embedded map you can see how far from me it happened:
[UPDATE]: Two people still unnacounted for. Let’s hope they’re ok!
[UPDATE 1:13 PM]: There was a big column of smoke I could see from my building this morning (before the crash). It was a house on fire. It’s possible that this is the house of the pilot that smashed a plane this morning, Joseph Andrew Stack. His suicide letter is online on his website.
I just learned that there are 5.26 men for each woman where I work. This is not the average for the whole company, just for the building I’m at. For the whole company the numbers are slightly (but not much) more balanced.
Keep in mind that I work in the Research and Development building. No HR, no Sales, almost no Marketing where I am. Draw your own conclusions.