All posts by kirsch

NI Eagles wins first game

We started in Austin’s Third division with the right foot, defeating Cameron Road United 4-2… We scored the first goal and went to half time 1-0, but they scored two quick goals and were ahead 2-1 early in the second half. We were able to pull it off though.
Novotny, Jernimo, Papa and Dave Fuller scored for us.

Not much activity here

Man… I haven’t posted anything to this website in months… The problem is I was writing all the PHP from scratch, had a small system up and running but I got sick of enhancing it, I’m too busy with work. I need to get a good blogging system, then I’ll start all over with this website.

Busy Sunday

Very busy day yesterday:

  • 8 AM: Last game of the Austin Soccer City League, at SEMP (30 minutes drive). We won and took the championship.
  • 11 AM: About 7 people came over for lunch and to watch…
  • 12 PM: Monterrey VS Guadalajara (at Jalisco stadium). Score: 1-1.
  • 2 PM: Clean the apartment. Specially that kitchen floor. Wow.
  • 5 PM: Cirque Du Soleil, it was a great show.
  • 8 PM: Dinner at El Dorado, by the lake.Now I need another weekend.

The mistery of the matzah balls

Twice on the past week I made matzah ball soup. Used the same little mix that vomes from the little box, same brand, same amount of eggs and so on. The first time, the matzah balls came out big and fluffy. The second time, they came out small and hard. I have no preference for either type, yet no one seems to be able to predict when nor tell why sometimes they come out one way or the other.This is one of the last great misteries in the world, right up there with the Loch Ness Monster. If I had a way for you to provide feedback in this poor excuse for a blog OR if I had any readers, I could ask you to provide some insight. But I can’t.

Canned farts

Credit for this invention goes to Mr. Robert Thurman. Using a can of Office Duster 3 (For precision cleaning of hard-to-reach areas on computers and electronics office equipment) and your arm pit, you can create fantastic fart noises. Excellent ice-breaker for those tough job interviews or meet-your-in-laws dinners. Cracks me up everytime. I have been experimenting creating different pitches by using your arm, leg and stomach (the flabbier, the deeper the sound)

Warning: Please note that shaking the can, holding it upside-down or overuse may cause frostbite. Keep away from eyes and out of reach of children.

Pearl Jam

Last Saturday I went to the Pearl Jam concert in San Antonio. It was kind of a random last-minute thing. Alex Schwarz drove from Monterrey to Austin on Friday, called me about, told me about the concert and we bought the tickets. Good concert, even though I’m not a big Pearl Jam fan.

Next show: Cirque Du Soleil