Tag Archives: live

SXSW ‘09: Day 3 at Dirty Dog Bar

For day 3 (Friday, March 20th), the original plan was to see The Proclaimers or Tricky and Devo. This is where not having a badge really hurt. So I ended up at Dirty Dog Bar to see some more Latin American bands.

Read more to check out more photos and some videos.

Superlasciva: Cool Argentinian rock band. I had never heard about them but based on the number of views on the YouTube video I posted of them, they are pretty popular. I like that they use an accordeon. Too bad none of their CDs can be found on iTunes nor Amazon.

Superlasciva at SXSW 2009

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SXSW ‘09: All Music is World Music

Day 2 (Thursday the 19th) of SXSW Music was spent at Momo’s. The theme was “All Music is World Music“.

Kingman and Jonah: Reggae. Read their story here… interesting stuff. Sadly Jonah was sick and couldn’t sing much but they still put on quite the show. For some reason the bass player was wearing an IDF shirt. I only caught the end of the show because the SXSW organizers, those sons of a mother-less goat, made us stand in line outside for a while even though the bar was far from full.

Toothless reggae legend Kingman at SXSW 2009

Videos, photos and the rest of the reviews below.

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