Tag Archives: blog


Hacker stock art for just this kind of occasions - link from Eva


The MKX® along with several sister sites (The MKX® Photo Central, La Polla América, etc.) were all hacked sometime in the last two days.

It looks like it was done through a security flaw in tinymce, a WYSIWYG text editor used by zenPHOTO, the photo gallery software I use extensively. Google blacklisted me (the horror!) but after I cleaned things up (or rather, Moi did) I can be visited again without raising any flags.

The extent of the damage is still unknown. So far I know that

  • The hack occurred on 2011-11-07 at 18:48.
  • Every .htaccess in my sites were injected with malicious redirects. Moi got rid of them. Here’s one sample .htaccess file (as text).
  • A malicious file class.images.php with obfuscated code was created somewhere inside the zenPhoto installation. I have no desire to reverse engineer it. Here’s the link to the file (as text).
  • An empty index.php file was created next to it.

Looks like I have quite a bit of work ahead of me. Those damn russian hackers! More info here.

The Forty Days


Buddy and Sno Cone Club Vice President of Deliciousness David Becker is starting work in 40 (well, now 37) days. He decided to do something outlandish every day and blog about it.

The Rules: Every day for forty days, I must do something new, interesting, or unique, something completely absurd, or something I’ve always wanted to do but never had the time, motivation, or cojones to do.

You can follow it at http://thefortydays.com/. In the meantime I’ve added it to my Google Reader and to this blog’s blogroll (see the column to the right). Should be fun to watch. Maybe I’ll be in one of those posts one of these days.


The MKX® Readers per post length
The MKX® can do Pseudoscience too.

I just found out in the most obnoxious way possible(1) about Pseudoscience:

Pseudoscience is a comic published in The Tech, the official newspaper of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Many posts are local to Cambridge or MIT, but others are not. All readers are welcome. First comic was published February, 2007.

Yes, this blog has been in circulation for two years and I just found out. [Update 2/18/2009: The blog is new, the material is not. I still think we are friends.] This offends me very, very deeply because I was not directly informed by the creator about it. I thought he was my friend. Now I know better.

In any case, this comic showcases what is the most useful application I’ve ever seen for Microsoft Excel. We all know Powerpoint’s main strength lies in porn distribution. Now we just need to figure out what Word is supposed to be used for.

I have added the link to the sidebar, immediately steering millions of websurfers towards Pseudoscience. I hope their servers can handle the traffic influx. It’s extremely funny stuff.

Continue reading Pseudoscience

The MKX®: Now better tasting


Ever heard of delicious, formerly and more cleverly known as del.icio.us? Yes you have.

Since March of 2005, a list of links I add to my delicious account show up in the sidebar of my blog. As you may have noticed a couple of days ago, I’ve improved upon this and modified the blog’s RSS feed so that those links show up there as well. Hooray!

So if you currently subscribe to both The MKX®‘s feed AND to my delicious feed, you can remove the delicious one. If you don’t subscribe to neither, you don’t know what you’re missing. Go read this now.