I should have posted this back in late December or early January…
My dad, the cool and considerate parent that he is, was able to score one of only three thousand Limited Edition Bohemia Bock released late last year (not an easy feat). It comes in a beautifully designed champagne-like bottle and is packaged in a box. He got it for me through his college friend Jorge Luis Ramos, who offered to gift me the bottle when my dad told him that he keeps bringing me cases of the beers I like yet can’t be bought in the U.S. whenever he drives into Austin. A big public thank you.
More after the break…

I haven’t tried it yet… but it looks delicious. Feel free to apply in the comments fields if you want to participate in the tasting.
Additionally, I am now fully restocked of the December-made wonder Noche Buena (as seen in The MKX®) and got a couple of boxes of Bohemia Oscura. Not too shabby. I’m short on Indio though.

Yo quiero probarla!
Dude, you have a very cool father! Bohemia Obscura is one of the best beers I have ever had, certainly the best I have ever sampled from a large brewery. So, I can imagine how wonderful the Bohemia Bock will taste — lucky guy. But more to the point, do you know anywhere in Texas one can purchase Obscura? I had it in Chihuahua City and fell for it immediately, now I appear destined to only wish for it unless in Mexico. Should you need help tasting your BB, let me know — Cheers!
¡Yo también me apunto!
how can I get one of these if I am not friend of the brewery´s CEO?
Hasta el mes pasado la podrías comprar en el palacio de hierro, castellana, vinotecas y otras tiendas de prestigio. Checalo haber si no hay mas
I also have a bottle of Bohemia Bock that I was given last year…do you think it’s still good?….I had forgot about until I recieved a Bohemia Cahva this year….I have a cool boss.
I think this beer is pasteurized so it should last for a while. It should be good. I got word that a new beer bottle is coming my way. Might be a Bohemia Cahva as well… don’t know yet.
in india from where i can buy bohemia bock???