Tag Archives: xray

My left knee

This wouldn’t be the first time I post images of my insides… no, it would be the third one (one, two). But like my mom always used to tell me, when judging people, it’s what’s inside what counts. Or something like that.

In any case, here’s an animated MRI of my left knee that just looks too cool to pass up. I used OsiriX, an amazing Open Source medical imaging software for Mac OS X, to generate it from the original DICOM files.


Believe it or not (I still don’t fully believe it), I managed to re-fracture my collarbone last Sunday. It is with great emotional and physical (but mostly physical) pain that I have decided to retire from competitive amateur soccer. I wasn’t even good to begin with.

Here’s yesterday x-ray:

And I know. You told me so.

Crash Landing

Since it had been almost a year since my magical memory erasing blow to the head and almost three years since the dislocated toe incident, I decided to try something new.

Yesterday ten minutes into the last NI Eagles game of the season, when fighting for a ball, I got tripped over and landed badly on my left shoulder. The good news is that we still won even though the team had to play one man short (me, and there were no subs). The bad news is that I fractured my clavicle. It’s quite painful, I wouldn’t recommend it.

Thanks to everyone in the team for their wishes and concerns and especially to the Motas who helped me out so much.

Enjoy the x-rays.