Tag Archives: trapeze


Hopefully by now you saw the trailer… Here’s the full story (and videos).

Thanks to a nice discount obtained through work, I signed up for a trapeze class at Trapeze Austin. These kinds of schools are quite rare, and apparently this is the only in Texas and around.

The trapeze platform at Trapeze Austin
The trapeze platform at Trapeze Austin

Their rig is located inside Soccer Zone in south Austin. On my class there were a total of ten people, about half of them with some experience, and the other half newbies.

Catcher trapeze
Catcher trapeze

Us newbies went through a small introduction in a low trapeze: how to hang, how to hang from your feet, etc. The we went ahead and took turns in the actual trapeze! I had both a harness, so the whole thing feels (and is) extremely safe.

Read more to see the full videos…

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