Moving up from the Intermediate to the Advanced League has been rough on the team, now on our 19th season.
We still look good, though.
Moving up from the Intermediate to the Advanced League has been rough on the team, now on our 19th season.
We still look good, though.
We won the championship, once again. Unfortunately I missed the final this time due to travel commitments.
Well done, team.
Manuel (of the opposing team) recorded all their Volleyball matches using a little Geek Pro. They use them to analyze their matches, correct their mistakes, improve on their technique… or to make fun of each other. He sent me the video of last Thursday’s Championship match which was right around one hour long.
Because nobody wants to watch a one hour long video of mediocre amateur volleyball, I thought it’d be a good idea to edit out the significant dead time. But that’s a lot of tedious work, even for me.
Enter: Amazon Mechanical Turk: “The Artificial Artificial Intelligence”.
Cleverly named after the 18th century fake chess playing machine; which I thought was a well known story but turns out I only know about it because of my odd childhood reading habits; Mechanical Turk is a service that allows you to set up jobs for someone else to do. It’s a great way for those who earn in US Dollars or Euros (but not British pounds!) to get people in China or India or some other low income country to do their menial tasks.
In any case, I uploaded the video to Dropbox and set up a gig, offering $5 to whoever does it.
For your enjoyment, the full edited match:
Iker, Santiago, Carlos
Los Mascotes – NI’s summer volleyball league’s oldest (maybe) team – is back. Against all odds we reached the final last year. And lost it.
Can we win the league this time? Yes, we can.
2015 edition. Also Jaramillo’s last match as a Masacote.
We started the 2011 league yesterday in the Advanced Division with a tight victory in spite of having a numeric disadvantage in this match. This marks our tenth (!) anniversary, possibly making us the oldest team in the league. That’s impressive.
If/when all players show up, I may post a photo that includes everyone.
This is the eighth participation of our legenday volleyball team in the NI Summer Volleyball League. Let’s see if we can take the trophy this time.
Top row: Victor Guardado, Marcos Kirsch, Jerónimo Mota, Jaime Fernández
Bottom row: Daniel Jaramillo, Alejandro Zepeda, Gustavo Castro, Alejandro del Castillo
Booyakasha! Marcos got unexpectedly upgraded to business class on his 11.5 hour long flight from Ben Gurion to JFK. Thank you Israir. Why? I don’t know, and I’m not complaining, but feel free to state your ideas in the comments.
I’m back in Austin now… went straight from the airport to work, then to a volleyball match with the legendary Masacotes de Tepezcueloyo (we lost). I still have plenty to do and sorting through 500+ photos is part of it. Too tired to deal with any of that now. Stay tuned.