Every young man goes through the same rituals when growing up. One of them is finding the deodorant that best matches his body chemistry. Once found, a lifelong relationship is formed.
Back in the day, I tried them all: Right Guard, Sure spray (like my dad uses: unscented – very manly), Arrid XX (only one X away from hardcore porn), even old nasty Old Spice.
One day, my friend Salomón Goldman recommended Sure Soft Solid. It’s not liquid, it’s not solid. It’s like a white goo that dissapears when applied, does not stain your t-shirts, and keeps you dry and fresh all day long. When Stephen Hawking talks astrophysics, you listen… And when Salo Goldman talks deodorant, you listen. So listen I did, and it was good.
However, in the last few months I have noticed an alarming trend: Local supermarkets are no longer stocking Sure Soft Solid deodorant. I promptly contacted the company:
Source: www.suredeodorant.com
Language: English
Content: I can’t find Sure Soft Solid at Wal Mart nor can I find it here in your website. Is it discontinued?
FName: Marcos
LName: Kirsch
Country: United States
Age: 25-34
They quickly replied:
Dear Valued Customer,
Thank you so much for taking the time to contact us. Please find it on
www.amazon.comBest regards,
Sure Customer Support
I finally ordered a lot of deodorant from Amazon. Now it’s a race between my quickly depleting last bar of Sure Soft Solid and the UPS guy. That’s ok, worse case I don’t wear deodorant for a few days or I cover my smell up with lotion.
It’s the long term scenario that scares me. Even though I stocked up with deodorant, my fears may turn out to be true and they may have stopped production. Forever. I will eventually run out, and then this will turn into a twisted real-life version of the famous Seinfeld Sponge episode. I will have to start picking which days are Soft-Solid-worthy and which days I’ll simply stink. It’s going to be interesting.