Macworld report part 3

Third and final installment….

On this video, you can see Amit demonstrating the power of this table. It’s a lot like Microsoft Surface, but not nearly as slick. It was not powered by a Mac and it wasn’t an iPhone case, so I’m not sure why it was at Macworld. I also don’t remember the company’s name. But given the graceful hand motions of the demo man, I could not skip it.

Click the link to see more amazing thing.

In the next amazing video, a man places some m&m’s inside a special shock-absorbing material, then hits them with a hammer. Impressively, the chocolates don’t break! They don’t melt either… they only melt in your mouth. This material is being used to make (surprise!) iPhone 4 cases. The idea being that if you put a few m&m’s between the phone and the case and accidentally hit it with a hammer, your phone won’t be full of chocolate. I can’t remember the brand. Bad reporter!

And last, a Macworld gadget I’d like to own: fastmac U-Socket. For roughly $20 you can replace the wall sockets with this cool doohickeys that include two USB ports. Most small electronic toys – from bluetooth headsets to iPads – use USB to charge, so this way you eliminate the need for an adapter. Very nice!

Ok, I think I’m done now.

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