One of the many perks of dating an Israeli goddess is that she can make you delicious, nutritious, spicy shakshuka if you pester her enough!

Here’s another shakshuka related post. And here’s a photo of my one-hand egg breaking:

One of the many perks of dating an Israeli goddess is that she can make you delicious, nutritious, spicy shakshuka if you pester her enough!
Here’s another shakshuka related post. And here’s a photo of my one-hand egg breaking:
Mmmm que r
Mmmm que rico!!!
i can do a one-hand egg breaking also, not a big issue, haha SALUDOS!
i've never tasted that… are the ingredients regular in Mexico? or "strange" ones?
i can do a one-hand egg breaking also, not a big issue, haha SA
i've never tasted that… are the ingredients regular in Mexico? or "strange"
i can do a one-hand egg breaking also, not a big issue, haha SALUDOS!
i've never tasted that… are the ingredients regular in Mexico? or "strange" ones?