Tag Archives: health

NutraSweet: Who thought this was a good idea?

Low-calorie sweetener brand NutraSweet just introduced a new packaging:

Seem familiar? Yes, the colors of the packets match the competition (Sweet ‘n Low, Equal, Splenda). Marketing genius?

Consider this: Allergy to phenylananine – which is found in aspartame (i.e. NutraSweet) – is quite serious. How long will it be until some groggy phenylketonuric accidentally grabs the wrong packet (right color though) for his coffee? Uh oh. You read it here first.

Via Brand New.

The wonders of semen

In one day I run into two articles extolling the virtues of semen. I stress the term “run into”. I was not searching or looking for anything in particular.

  1. Apparently this all-natural ingredient can significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer on women.
  2. MI6 found out that it’s the best invisible ink around. Now there’s something I’ve never tried. Expect an odd postcard from me soon.

And if this is not enough for you, I am told it is also often used as one of the main ingredients in baby making!