On same sex marriage

This is recurring topic of conversation with my friends. My conclusion is that future Americans will look back at the whole same sex marriage debate the way present Americans look back at racial segregation. But I had no data to back it up nor any sense on how soon this could occur.

Today I stumbled upon said data by accident while reading Paul Krugman‘s blog. Indeed, it seems like time is on gay people and civil right’s side. Add the facts that 1) new generations are more likely to support same sex marriage and 2) there are more young people than old people due to demographic growth (maybe not), and this could happen sooner rather than later.

same sex marriage chart(full size)

Original article here.

One thought on “On same sex marriage”

  1. Me encanta el blog de Krugman. El mundo sería un lugar mejor si la gente le hiciera más caso a la estadística. Por supuesto que estoy de acuerdo contigo, es sólo cuestión de tiempo para que el mundo entienda lo que Holanda, Belgica, Canada, España, Noruega, y Suecia ya entendieron.

    No me sorprende ver a Texas abajo en la lista, pero sí me sorprende ver a Arizona tan alto. Misterio.

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