It’s a Kirsch!

My new nephew
My new nephew

My little older brother Jacobo and his wife Joana had a healthy baby boy this morning. Why does he look so pissed off? Is it because he hasn’t met his favorite uncle yet? No. He still doesn’t know what he’s been missing all his life. The reason he’s so angry is that people have been calling him names, except for his name, because he doesn’t have one.

So Jaco and Joana asked me to come up with something.

I’m all about delegating, so I delegate to you, dear extensive readership, to help them pick a name. If your help is worthy, I promise an All-extreme-closeup Photo Gallery Exclusive Extravaganza of next week’s bris. So, pick your favorite from the list below. As an experiment, you are even allowed to add new options to the poll (yeah… that just can’t go wrong). Happy naming!


Update: His name is Bernardo.

5 thoughts on “It’s a Kirsch!”

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