(NOT) My new girlfriend

Natalia Suayter – click on image to zoom

Meet the extremely hot and first ever Penthouse Magazine Mexico Pet (I’m talking about the girl in the pink dress, not the dude on the right).
This is Argentinean-born model Natalia Suayter. I met her at the opening of Final Feliz, a shop owned by Melvo last Saturday in Monterrey. In the interest of maintaining the R-rating on this blog, I am not linking to any other photos of her. Feel free to find those youself (hint – she appears in the same number as Pilar Montenegro of Garibaldi fame).

Quiz: Who looks happier in the photo? Her or me?

Oh yeah, she’s not really my girlfriend: I don’t think her mom would approve of me.

Update Oct 6, 2007: Para evitar malos entendidos, especialmente entre gente que no lea bien inglés: La foto la tomé en la inauguración de la tienda de un amigo. A la modelo invitada Natalia nunca la había visto antes y nunca la he vuelto a ver después. Una disculpa si esto ocasionó confusiones.

7 thoughts on “(NOT) My new girlfriend”

  1. mi estimado Marcos, hace tiempo que no te veo…te mando un saludo…estaba navegando y por azar tope con este blog y por recurrente azar vi el nombre de una sex shop que abrio el que ahora veo es un amigo comun…el melvo. De no haber tenido tu servidor una boda ese dia y de no tener mi novia un caracter tan temible, ahi nos hubieramos saludado…te dejo un abrazo afectuoso. Lo de mi novia es broma…monina por si alguna vez te topas con esto.

  2. Mira, tus comentarios me estan afectando en mi relacion actual, te pediria de favor que acares lo de la ” new girlfriend” para que no haya mal entendidos.

  3. hi natalia, has been a long time since the last. I dont think you remember me, just because I dont remember you until I saw this. Pet model? Monterrey? who would think that ? If you find out who I am ´cause I´m undecover ,please give me your best shot. Here are the tips to prove we meet some place and some time. You have a sister called Consuelo, your mom`s alias is Bibi. and you use to live in Villa Allende. If you think you got it ,please use my name only, not my surname. I´m happy to see you so well and sucessfull.I’ll watch this site in search of some kind of answear. Best wishes and happy new year

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