A friend of mine referred me to this fascinating illusion / psychological experiment. If you shake your head side to side while staring at the image below, your brain will trick you into thinking you’re seeing something that you personally consider of immense beauty. The faint image that emerges varies according to personal standards and experiences. For example, the guy who sent it to me claimed he could see a sunset over the sea. I showed it to my brother and he saw a rainbow. All I see is an iPhone.
Give it a try, and post your results in the comments! It’s pretty cool…

Te vi desde lejos en casa de jaco sin siquiera mover los ojos
Te quiero, eres mi hijo, tr reconozco de rayitas
Tu Ma
I see a woman with an afro (I think). The image was pretty fuzzy.
es una cara… creo que es el guille o tal vez suazo… o chelito?
Hahaha a woman with an afro…. thaaaaat’s awesome.