Dorkbot at SXSW


I was tipped off by Reid about Dorkbot:

This dorkbot meet was part of the South By Southwest Interactive festival (a.k.a. SXSWi). As you know, SXSW is actually three festivals: Interactive, Film, and Music.


So I headed downtown to the no-cell-zone to check it out for myself. Here are a few photos and videos.

Here’s a video of Aileen Adler playing the theremin (that cool old school scifi noise making instrument):

Our very own Lego Mindstorms!
Computer controlled Etch-a-sketch machine. Cool.

See it in action:

I took my turn at Robospin art, see the video:

Robospinart machine and some works of art created with it.

Egg plotter
This plotter can draw anything from a computer on an egg.

And a machine that draws on an egg (egg plotter?):

Weird looking machine
I don’t know what this is but it looks cool so I took a photo of it.

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