Sure Soft Solid

Every young man goes through the same rituals when growing up. One of them is finding the deodorant that best matches his body chemistry. Once found, a lifelong relationship is formed.

Back in the day, I tried them all: Right Guard, Sure spray (like my dad uses: unscented – very manly), Arrid XX (only one X away from hardcore porn), even old nasty Old Spice.

One day, my friend Salomón Goldman recommended Sure Soft Solid. It’s not liquid, it’s not solid. It’s like a white goo that dissapears when applied, does not stain your t-shirts, and keeps you dry and fresh all day long. When Stephen Hawking talks astrophysics, you listen… And when Salo Goldman talks deodorant, you listen. So listen I did, and it was good.

However, in the last few months I have noticed an alarming trend: Local supermarkets are no longer stocking Sure Soft Solid deodorant. I promptly contacted the company:

Language: English
Content: I can’t find Sure Soft Solid at Wal Mart nor can I find it here in your website. Is it discontinued?
FName: Marcos
LName: Kirsch
Country: United States
Age: 25-34

They quickly replied:

Dear Valued Customer,

Thank you so much for taking the time to contact us. Please find it on

Best regards,

Sure Customer Support

I finally ordered a lot of deodorant from Amazon. Now it’s a race between my quickly depleting last bar of Sure Soft Solid and the UPS guy. That’s ok, worse case I don’t wear deodorant for a few days or I cover my smell up with lotion.

It’s the long term scenario that scares me. Even though I stocked up with deodorant, my fears may turn out to be true and they may have stopped production. Forever. I will eventually run out, and then this will turn into a twisted real-life version of the famous Seinfeld Sponge episode. I will have to start picking which days are Soft-Solid-worthy and which days I’ll simply stink. It’s going to be interesting.

14 thoughts on “Sure Soft Solid”

  1. In Mexico you can buy the same stuff with another brand (old spice).

    But from what I heard there is a new version that works better… Sure Max (or something). I need to try it.

  2. Yo llevo ocho años traficando con sustancias variadas (crema para el cuerpo, algodón plisado, jabón neutro, etc..) de un país a otro. Es agotador, pero como dices, es un matrimonio de por vida.

  3. marquitos… mejor habla con amit… el te recomienda uno que segun esto jala excelente….

  4. Intersante post. Por varios años use Old Spice a pesar que en un comienzo picaba un poco, pero siempre me proporcionó buena protección. Hace aproximadamente un año sentí que Old Spice no me estaba protegiendo lo suficiente. Será que eventualmente el cuerpo se vuelve inmune al desodorante? esta es una teoría tan interesante como la de poner una bolsa de hielo en el congelador… Lo cierto es que me he cambiado a otro Speed Stick y a pesar que me funciona bien como desodorante, ultimamente he notado varias camisas manchadas cosa que no notaba con Old Spice. Así que sería interesante probar con otros. Por cierto, si puedo decir a ciencia cierta que los siguientes desodorantes no sirven para nada: Axe y Guillete.

  5. I have had the same issue–you can’t find the stuff locally anymore. The unscented version does exactly what it’s supposed to do perfectly, without stupid deoderant smell. Nothing else comes close.

  6. Me acaba de pasar lo mismo con el delineador Merle Norman, después de 20 años, lo sacaron del mercado…. y no hay ningún otro que se le parezca en el mundo.

    Un beso de tu mamá que si lee tu blog!

  7. I’ve had the same issue as everyone else, but this has been a problem for about the last 2 years. Every time I’ve found it the past 2 years has only been online and I buy a dozen if they are available. Good luck to all, and share the knowledge if you find some because I’m half a stick away from depleting what I have. Maybe if we storm Procter & Gamble with our stinkin pits they’ll start producing more! Have a very smell free holiday !


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