Instead of staying in Austin to watch the first leg of the Mexican Quarterfinals –Monterrey VS Chivas (the Superlíder)- on cable, I drove to Round Rock to watch it on Dish Network. Little did I know that a hail storm was brewing, which proceeded to knock out the TV signal sometime after Chivas scored the 1-0. It also delivered some Texas-sized chunks of ice while my two month old car was parked outside. Life wasn’t good.
Yep, these will give you a concussion.
We were able to quickly clear up Correa’s garage and bring in my car. No damage done. By the time the signal came back Monterrey was winning 2-1. The game ended with a clear 4-1 victory. Three by Borgetti. Life is good.
Al final del dia ya estaba harto de ver a toda las masa de gente con su t-shirt de rayados.