Minor housekeeping

For those keeping track:

I broke up the now non-existent category Austin at night (and day) into two more specific, not very cleverly named ones: Keep Austin Weird and Austin nights. I think I might do some more breaking up in order to keep things more on-topic. I’ll sleep on it.

Also, I’ve added a new link to the sidebar: La Parolis. I’m not sure whose it is but from the looks of it, it must be one of the split personalities of an otherwise normal girl (or maybe it’s a guy?!). She uses proper punctuation and receives way more comments than The MKX® does. It’s in Spanish.

And I removed a bunch of blogs that are not being updated anymore. Shame on the authors. You’ve been un-Experienced®. Boom!

One thought on “Minor housekeeping”

  1. Aqui tienes un comentario para que no sientas que La Parolis es mas popular. Seguidamente, te pidio que sigas “posteando” aquel contenido humoroso que ya te caracteriza y el cual te ha dado fama.

    Te veo en el DF en un par de semanas…

    Se te quiere!

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