The label reads (translated to English):
bottle of Champagne the day of my wedding.
Thanks for accompanying me in
my Bar Mitzvah.
January 18, 1992
Anyone who knows me will tell you that I will go great lengths to get free stuff (I once drove 60 minutes and made a two hour line to get a free $5.50 burrito… and it was worth it).
So, in January 18, 1992 I put away this little bottle, saved it for 13 years, went to Monterrey last April, brought it to Austin, took it to Boston and finally carried it in my pocket to Yoni and Einat’s wedding last Sunday (is that a small kosher wine bottle in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? people kept saying, for some reason). Needless to say, I expect my champagne bottle to arrive in the mail anytime now.
On a more serious note, it was of course nice to see so many people I hadn’t seen in years and to be at my friends’ wedding. Thanks to Ricky (Big Richard) Berner for hosting me and taking me to eat schwarma.
Some pictures from the weekend have been posted. Click here to see them.