To wait, or not to wait: That is the question.

Update: Yesterday I placed the order for the new Powerbook. I’m easily tempted. Jaramillo did too, he’s also replacing an iBook. Domene got one too. Welcome Domene.
Update: I got my new PB today. It’s great!
compra! compra!… yo no tengo suficiente lana para sobrevivir sin la pirateria de windows
Ahora Jose Correa me metio mas ideas en la cabeza:
Powerbook G4 VS TV LCD 30″ + Mac mini
ambos por mas o menos el mismo precio….
Me lleva
PD: La pirateria en la Mac cuesta lo mismo que en la PC.
que vas a hacer con el ibook viejo?
I’m so jealous. All I wanted to buy before coming down to Monterrey was a Nikon D70 and a Powerbook.
But I came with neither 🙁
Walking around El Tec yesterday, I couldn’t believe how few students had Apples. Out of about the thousand laptops I saw, only two or three were macs.