A couple of weeks someone asked me:
"Do you think Mexico will ever win the World Cup?".
And I answered:
"We will not live to see the day Mexico wins the World Cup".
Sad. I know.
However, a few minutes ago Mexico beat the crap out of Brazil (3-0) in the final of the Sub-17 World Cup. This gives me hope… 2010 anyone?
As an interesting note, the star of the mexican team and one of the MVPs of the tournament, Giovani Do Santos, used to sit right behind me every Saturday in the Tecnologico Stadium, to watch the Monterrey games with his dad and little brother. His dad Zizinho was playing at the time with La Raza, the indoor soccer team of the Continental Indoor Soccer League.
Viva Mexico ca….!!!!!
Pal 2006 si llegamos a la final del mundial grande.
A huevo!! eso es todo primo, pero quien sabe y a lo mejor este 2006 nos va bien, uno nunca sabe!
Felicitaciones!!! No pense que lo lograran pero eso es lo lindo del Futbol….que disfruten!!!