They’ve posted the Spider-Man 2 on Apple’s Quicktime Movie Trailers site. June 30…. that’s a long wait! damn.
Category Archives: Film Critic
Episode III release date announced!
According to Star Episode III (name still not announced) will release on May 19, 2005.
One more year and forty three more days. Will they finally kill Jar-Jar?
And I shall purchase it… again.
It’s now (almost) official:
Yep… the original Star Wars trilogy will finally be out on DVD!
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away I owned it in Sony’s defunct Beta format, dubbed in Madrid Spanish… While I doubt this will beat hearing princess Leia call out for help in that sexy accent (“Aydame, Obi Wan Kenobi… eres mi nica esperanza…”), the better quality of the video should make up for it. After that I’ve had it in VHS, VHS Special Edition, VCD and DiVX.
Now, what do I do with those taiwanese Video CDs?
ALL RIGHT!!!!!!!! SPIDER-MAN 2 Trailer!
The new Spider-Man 2 trailer is now online and it looks great!
I will post a link to the Quicktime version when available.
Matrix Revolutions
Last night I saw the new Matrix movie.
Reviewers don’t seem to like it too much. What do they know? Go see it, it’s great! (don’t worry… no spoilers here).
In my opinion, it’s much better than Reloaded and even better than the first one.
YES YES YES Matrix Revolutions trailer is online
It looks great, much better than Reloaded.
Get it at the official website.
I’m not the biggest fan, but also available tonight is the Return of the King trailer. Get it from Apple Quicktime Trailers site.
The Pianist
Last night I saw the movie “The Pianist“. Very hard movie about a Holocaust survivor. A must see.