Google \/\/ave

Google Wave invitation screen Got an invite to Google Wave tonight. It look pretty darn powerful and useful. And as a web application, it’s very impressive too. But like so many other things, the more people that use it, the more useful it becomes. Do you have Google Wave? Do you use it? What do you think? Use the comments. You say you don’t have it? Well, what a coincidence! I happen to also have a few invitations. Want one? Use the comments.

Update Nov 13, 2009: All invites are gone! Thanks for reading.

22 thoughts on “Google \/\/ave”

  1. Hey Kirsch,

    It would be great if you can send me an invitation for Google wave. My email id is [removed]

    I will be highly thankful to you for this.

    P.S: Please remove my email id while moderating this comment.

  2. Hi,

    Thats great! I want to mention that you have a great blog. Please send me Google wave invitation. I will be highly thankful to you for this.
    Keep blogging.

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